Cristina Osoro Cangas
Cristina has worked on research and impact evaluation in projects related to sustainability for more than 10 years. She has a record of accomplishment developing, leading and contributing to the development of monitoring, evaluation and learning plans for project, programmes and organization-wide with NGOs, governments and foundations mostly in the UK and Spain, but also in Colombia.
Her main areas of expertise include research and theory-based impact evaluation using different methodologies including social return on investment (SROI). She has led complex evaluations where government and organisation’s objectives and programmes have changed over time and the results had to be consolidated at the end of several business plans. She has experience developing monitoring systems and knowledge learning tools, qualitative and quantitative analysis, developing surveys and interview guides, conducting high level interviews and facilitating stakeholder engagement. She has recently worked for the GCF developing knowledge management tools and guidelines to improve capture and usage of learnings from the Readiness Programme.
Cristina holds a MSc in Environmental Management and a University Diploma in Economics (bilingual Spanish-English), complemented with additional training on project management and evaluation methods, e.g., Process Tracing or Bayesian Updating.