María Dolores Almeida
Descentralization and local development, gender equality.Master in Economy.
María Dolores Almeida has over 20 years of experience in economics, public finance, climate change financial, decentralization, gender – sensitive budgeting, and project evaluation in different countries in Latin America. She has also relevant experience in development programs, technical assistance, investigation, capacity building and resource mobilization strategies on different thematic areas.
María Dolores has worked for public institutions (national and subnational) and for international technical organizations such as the Inter-American Development Bank, World Bank, German Technical Cooperation, UN Women, UNICEF, UN Environmental and the Latin American Economic Commission (ECLAC).
María Dolores is an Economist graduated from the National University of Tucumán (Argentina) and holds a Master Degree in Economy with emphasis on Decentralization and Local Development and with a Gender-Sensitive Budgeting specialization.