Mario Zenteno
Mario Zenteno has worked in Economic Rural Development and Natural Resource Management for more than 20 years. He has a record of accomplishment developing, leading and contributing to projects evaluation, implementation and management with UNDP, IFAD, UE, WB, governments, NGOs, academia & civil society in Africa, Asia & Latin America.
His main areas of expertise in projects and programmes formulation as well evaluation applying environmental safeguards & standards (UNDP, GEF, UE, WB), risk assessment, Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA), Environmental Impact assessment (EIA), Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) and Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA). Main focus on sectors as Agriculture, Water, Energy, Government and PPP.
Mario holds a PhD in Natural Resource Management from Utrecht University, a Master’s degree in Agricultural Economics and a University Diploma in Agronomy & has completed additional trainings, e.g. in “Data Analysis”, “Projects Impact Evaluation” and “Undergraduate Education”.