Adaptation requires considering ambitious approaches in public and private investment policies; it requires informed actions oriented towards the prevention of impacts on society and ecosystems. That is why adaptation is informed by future projections about the behavior of society and the economy, and by economic and climate models. Just as adaptation can draw on new technologies related to infrastructure; it can also use the environmental services of healthy ecosystems to reduce climate risk. Hence, nature-based solutions (NBS) are one of the areas of adaptation that we have worked on most at AAE.
NBS that evolve around the valorization and restoration of ecosystems have multiple benefits, including the capture of greenhouse gas effects, the conservation and restoration of biodiversity, as well as water and food security, among other additional benefits.
Gender perspective
Climate change affects the lives of men and women, children, and the elderly, differently. Women, for example, can be agents of change in their cities and rural communities because they bring their vision of how climate change affects them differently and can provide innovative solutions. That is why AAE looks at adaptation with a transformative gender perspective, which not only recovers the knowledge and views of women, but also proposes solutions and strategies to achieve standards of equity and equality.
Disaster risk reduction
Adaptation is closely linked to disaster risk reduction and nature protection and conservation. Disaster risk reduction is essential to achieve sustainable development. That is why in development and sectoral planning processes it is key to consider climate change to reduce the risks associated with extreme weather events and improve the resilience of livelihoods, ecosystems, and businesses.
The success of ecosystem response to climate change depends on an integrated approach to ensure that synergistic effects are maximized, and damage avoided. Equally important is understanding the need to involve vulnerable groups, communities and traditional indigenous knowledge in planning activities linked to the ecosystem approach.
AAE designs cost-effective adaptation measures. This design of adaptation solutions requires an interdisciplinary and innovative approach that is achieved by integrating leading grey infrastructure adaptation technologies and practices, the role of ecosystems in adaptation, and nature-based solutions.
We combine sound analytical thinking, technical expertise and adaptation practice, and strong project management to generate transformative results. We work closely with governments to assess climate risk, vulnerability and adaptation options, design strategies and integrate climate adaptation into development planning and disaster risk reduction policy implementation.
Effective implementation of nature-based solutions that increase adaptive capacity while promoting sustainable development and social equity is key for countries to meet their obligations under the Paris agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Services offered
- Adaptation planning at national and sub-national level.
- Definition and promotion of nature-based solutions as integral part of effective adaptation and support countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) and National Adaptation Plans (NAP).
- Formulation of public and private financial mechanisms for adaptation to support the mainstreaming of climate adaptation and nature-based solutions in financial mechanisms for the public and private sectors.
- Climate adaptation mainstreaming in the water, agriculture, ecosystems and disaster risk reduction sectors.
- Training, capacity building and knowledge management to enhance capacities and train local and national stakeholders.
- Design of tailored manuals and guidelines on planning and implementing climate adaptation and nature-based solutions.
- Project formulation for adaptation financing through feasibility analysis, project design, and institutional assessment for adaptation financing (Adaptation Fund, Green Climate Fund, GEF).
- Systematic reviews and development of evidence gap maps and intervention heat maps.