The country of Suriname is a High-Forest-Low-Deforestation (HFLD) Country and with more than 90% forest cover the country with the highest percentage of forest cover in the world. As part of REDD+ readiness, the National Institute for Environment and Development in Suriname (NIMOS) contracted AAE and Tropenbos Suriname as national partner for the development of a National Vision and Strategy for REDD+.
Main tasks
- Identification, in a participatory manner, of a National REDD+ Vision for forest, land use and climate change and the objectives of the National REDD+ Strategy;
- Confirmation and deepening of a previous analysis of drivers of deforestation and forest degradation;
- Identification, analysis and prioritization of Policies and Measures (PAMs) addressing the drivers of deforestation, forest degradation and barriers to sustainable forest management, conservation and enhancement of forest carbon stocks;
- Realization of a Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) of potential risks and benefits of PAMs and development of a framework to manage these risks and maximize these benefits;
- Assessment of gender aspects and recommendations for gender sensitive REDD+ implementation.
Extensive stakeholder engagement, including national level workshops and local level consultations with all ten Indigenous and Tribal Peoples’ communities in the hinterland; - Modelling of future land use change and development scenarios;
- Capacity building workshop for the use of DINAMICA EGO tool for scenarios;
- Preparation of an implementation plan for the National REDD+ Strategy. Recommendations on institutional strengthening;
- Design of a REDD+ financial strategy;
- Development and presentation of two GCF concept notes.
Main outputs
- National REDD+ Vision and Strategy;
- SESA report, including circa 400 pages of community consultation report;
- Legal Analysis of Land Tenure situation;
- Future land use change scenario and SBB personal trained on the use of DINAMICA EGO. Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) developed and validated;
- Implementation Plan for the National Strategy;
- GCF concept notes.