Environmental and Social Due Diligence (ESDD) study for the Nyika Vwaza landscape, Malawi

Project duration
Head of service line
Monika Bertzky
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Project Coordinator
Monika Bertzky
Senior Manager and Head of Safeguards

Sara Barrueco
Yolanda Tashinga Chiumbu
Leonard Satali
Gertrude Ng'oma


The Legacy Landscapes Fund (LLF) is a charitable foundation whose overall goal is to finance key conservation activities, inside and in the buffer zones of legally recognized Protected Areas (PAs), in globally significant biogeographical realms and landscapes of developing countries. AAE is working with LLF to conduct an Environmental and Social Due Diligence (ESDD) study in the landscape that applied for funding - the Nyika Vwaza landscape in Malawi, which comprises the Nyika National Park and the Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve. The ESDD study plays a key role in the funding process, as its findings will inform the final decision on financial support.

The AAE team will assess whether the existing environmental and social safeguard procedures for the management of the Nyika Vwaza landscape are sufficiently complete and in compliance with the relevant standards in order to avoid, mitigate, manage and/or compensate any possible environmental and social risks and impacts resulting from their management. AAE is carrying out an inclusive stakeholder consultation process, including with local communities, and a gender-sensitive risk assessment and gap analysis, including high-level human rights risk and risk significance assessments (relating to land use planning, access restrictions, and human-wildlife conflicts/coexistence, among others), and developing an Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) comprising the proposed measures for gap closure, including budget, responsibilities and timelines, and specific considerations to mitigate or avoid gendered-risks and to promote a gender-equal participation. An ESDD report, outlining the findings resulting from the previous activities, will also be developed.

Main tasks

  • Desktop review
  • Stakeholder engagement, including field visits
  • Analysis of E&S risks, impacts and gaps
  • Development of mitigation measures

Main outputs

  • Methodology and work plan for the assignment
  • Risk assessment and gap analysis
  • Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP)
  • ESDD report

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