GEF-8 CEO Endorsement Package for “Beyond 30x30: Securing resilience in the Eastern Tropical Pacific through enhanced transboundary cooperation"

Project duration
Latin America
Head of service line
Guido Fernández de Velasco
Abner Abiu Castillo Diaz on Unsplash
Project Coordinator
Guido Fernández de Velasco
Founder and Co-Director and Head of Environmental Management and Strategic Planning

Carlos Ludeña
Monika Bertzky
Gabriela Alencastro
Sara Barrueco
Camelia Sofiea
Clara Malcolm
Manuela Barisone

Strategic Planning

Beyond 30x30 is intended to ensure the long-term resilience and conservation of at least 31,2 million hectares of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Marine Corridor area in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Panama – by strengthening regional governance, improving regional corridor management, promoting blue economy initiatives as means to sustain CMAR (Conservation Marine Corridor in Tropical Eastern Pacific, for its acronym in Spanish) conservation efforts, and strengthening regional M&E, communications, knowledge management, and learning.

The area covered by the project is significant in terms of its large size and high levels of biodiversity. This project is transformative in that it represents and leads the first regional ocean governance and sustainability effort in the western hemisphere and will provide a model for other regions to follow.

AAE has been contracted by Conservation International (CI), to support the PPG phase (full project proposal development phase) for the project titled “Beyond 30x30: Securing resilience in the Eastern Tropical Pacific through enhanced transboundary cooperation”, to prepare the CEO endorsement package for the complete GEF cycle. The blend of experience offered by our professionals enables AAE to deliver the CEO Endorsement package to GEF Secretariat consisting of the Project Document, Budget, Core Indicator sheet, tracking tool, safeguards plans and CEO approval template, through a participative consultative process with key stakeholders in all four countries. This multi-stakeholder and systems-based process will enhance performance at the portfolio level and integrate the latest thinking on resilience and marine conservation.

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