Sara Barrueco
María Jesus Iraola
Mario Nanclares
María de Lourdes Beldi de Alcantara
Eloy Alfaro
Ramiro Batzin
Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IP&LCs) effectively manage 80 percent of global biodiversity. As biodiversity credit markets are taking shape, it is indispensable that they have the opportunity to engage, participate and have their voices heard. CI is therefore contracting different service providers for a two-phased process:
Phase 1: To undertake regional landscape assessment of approaches to IP&LC governance including the application of Indigenous Knowledge in Nature-based Projects at project, local, sub-national, national and regional levels.
Phase 2: To consolidate the findings from phase 1, develop a white paper to inform how biodiversity credit markets could incorporate legitimate and effective IP&LC governance, and organize a convening to discuss the outcomes and next steps to best support IP&LC participation in biodiversity markets.
AAE has been contracted for Phase 1 of the above with a geographic focus on the socio-cultural region of Central and South America and the Caribbean. The work will be conducted with experts on IP&LC governance across the region as well as international experts on safeguards and Nature-based Solutions.
Main tasks include:
The main outputs are: