Environmental, Social and Gender Assessments for the Development of the GCF Mainstreaming Gender Responsive Financial Resilience to Climate Change Project

Project duration
Antigua & Barbuda
Head of service line
Monika Bertzky
Scott Umstattd on Unsplash
Project Coordinator
Guido Fernández de Velasco
Founder and Co-Director and Head of Environmental Management and Strategic Planning

Reynold Murray
Leisa Perch
Monika Bertzky
María Jesús Iraola
Nicola Bird
Sara Barrueco


The Department of Environment (DOE) of Antigua & Barbuda is developing a GCF Concept Note entitled “Mainstreaming Gender Responsive Financial Resilience to Climate Change in Antigua and Barbuda” that aims at:

i) Creating an enabling environment for, and implementing climate-resilient interventions in the agriculture, fisheries and tourism sectors to reduce the damages and economic impacts of climate change,
ii) Developing sustainable risk financing solutions for communities employed in these sectors to support financial and livelihood security,
iii) Creating an enabling environment that supports gender responsive financial resilience across the climate vulnerable sectors of agriculture, fisheries and tourism, and
iv) Assessing risks arising from chronic and acute climate-related events.

For this concept note, AAE supports the DOE in the development of gender and safeguards instruments.

Main tasks

  • Conduct a baseline gender assessment for the agriculture, fisheries and tourism sectors to ensure that all proposed project interventions will confer gender responsive benefits to women and men as well as other key vulnerable groups identified
  • Develop a Gender Action Framework (GAF) that includes sex disaggregated data and (SMART) gender indicators and a monitoring and evaluation framework
  • Conduct Environmental and Social Screening
  • Conduct a Limited Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
  • Prepare an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF)

Main outputs

  • Gender Baseline Assessment Report
  • Gender Action Framework (GAF)
  • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
  • Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF)

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