National Adaptation Plan to support improved national adaptation planning and mainstreaming climate

Project duration
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Head of service line
Nathalie Doswald
Bradley Wade for Unsplash
Project Coordinator
Diego Martino
Founder and Co-Director and Head of REDD+ and Urban Ecosystems

Nathalie Doswald
Diego Martino
Clara Malcolm
Courtnae Bailey
Reynold Murray
Marta Hergueta

Strategic Planning

Preparation of an integrated, updated National Adaptation Plan to support improved national adaptation planning and mainstreaming climate change adaptation in the national development process

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG), along with the rest of its Caribbean neighbouring states, has already experienced the devastating effects of climate change in the last several decades. To reduce the impact of natural risk disasters, SVG is now focusing its efforts on climate change adaptation planning.

SVG developed a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) in 2019 to mainstream climate change adaptation into development planning and implementation. However, limited human, financial and technical resources, among other barriers, have constrained the effective implementation of the NAP. The objective of the present assignment is,to review the existing NAP in order to identify gaps and needs to address these issues, and develop a new, updated version to ensure that the plan can be successfully implemented and presents an adequate framework to deal with current and future risks and vulnerabilities. The updating and implementation of the NAP will be supported by the development of a Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Framework (MELF). Given the level of disaster risk in SVG, it is proposed to ensure the NAP is also multi-hazard and risk-informed.

Through the lens of gender-responsive methodologies, AAE’s team proposes a set of participatory workshops and training to tailor a new plan that will channel the efforts of the different sectors in adaptation and reflect them into policy planning. The team’s experience reporting projects to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) will ensure that the NAP design is complemented by a set of SMART indicators that will measure the progress of each pillar.

Main tasks

  • NAP review and update
  • Stocktaking and Gaps and Needs Assessment
  • Gender mainstreaming considerations integrated
  • Training Session to build Adaptation Capacity
  • Stakeholder Consultations
  • Recommendations for the Project Steering Committee
  • Design of a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

Main outputs

  • Inception Report
  • Consolidated NAP Consultations Report
  • Consolidated summary report of training sessions
  • Draft Stocktaking and Gap Analysis Report
  • Validation Report (including final Stocktaking and Gap Analysis Report)
  • Draft gender-responsive National Adaptation Plan
  • Validation Report (including final National Adaptation Plan)
  • Recommendations to the NTACCC
  • Draft Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Framework (MELF) for the NAP
  • Validation Report (including final MELF)

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