Working on all REDD+ thematic areas. Supporting readiness, project formulation, implementation, consultation, FPIC process, risk analysis and more.
Tuti Iraola
Head of service line
Diego Martino
Founder and Co-Director and Head of REDD+ and Urban Ecosystems

We have an extensive team of international and national REDD+ related experts with broad experience working on all REDD+ thematic areas in the LAC region.  We have supported readiness, project formulation, implementation, consultation, FPIC process, risk analysis, understanding and complying with different standards. We have delivered REDD+ projects in a range of countries throughout LAC, from SIDS to HFLD (High Forest cover Low Deforestation), including Argentina, Belize, Ecuador, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and two assignments in both Suriname and Honduras. We developed REDD+ concept notes and full proposals for the GCF and other entities and have supported both REDD+ preparation and implementation stages. We have carried out tenure analyses, identification of priorities, benefit sharing mechanisms, multiple benefits mapping, 3 analyses of drivers of deforestation, and delivered 5 national REDD+ strategies. These projects included over 200 processes (e.g. workshops, training) of capacity building, education, stakeholders and rightholders engagement and consultation.

Additionally, we have developed a full range of safeguarding instruments for REDD+ processes, including SESA and ESMF. All these processes were conducted with strict safeguard standards and in consultation with national stakeholders, including consulting directly with Indigenous Peoples and local communities through more than 50 workshops. We have also prepared Safeguards Information Systems (SIS) in several countries in the regions and under different institutional standards.

Services offered:

  • Project design: Design and formulation of concept notes and full proposals to GCF and other entities;
  • Analysis of drivers of deforestation: Conduct drivers of deforestation analysis through a combination of desk work and participatory activities. Desk work include extensive use of remote sensing and GIS and participatory activities end with specific conceptual mappings;
  • Preparation of National REDD+ Strategies: Develop the baseline information as well as the strategic planning components to deliver National or Jurisdictional REDD+ strategies. We have experience in tenure analysis, multiple benefits mapping, priority setting, preparation of benefit sharing mechanisms, capacity building, education and communication, among others;
  • SESA and ESMF: REDD+ Safeguards: National interpretation of REDD+ safeguards, development of Safeguards Information Systems (SIS) and of Summaries of Information (SoI), as well as Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) and preparation of Environmental and Social Management Frameworks (ESMFs);
  • Pilot implementation. We also support the implementation of pilot projects or strategies.

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Development of a National REDD+ Strategy, a SESA, an ESMF and a SIS for Belize

Indigenous Peoples
Environmental and Sustainability Law
St. Vincent & the Grenadines

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Environmental and Sustainability Law

Development of the Honduras National REDD+ Strategy

Environmental and Sustainability Law