Milenka Sojachenski
Underwater emissaries, environmental protection, climate change, integrated water resources management.Civil Engineer.
Milenka Sojachenski works in the Department of Environmental Control of Activities of the National Environmental Office, of the Ministry of Housing, Land Management and Environment. As an independent consultant, she has participated in the elaboration of documentation for environment authorizations for DINAMA. For almost 5 years, she has been the regional coordinator for South America of Global Water Partnership (GWP), developing on issues such as integrated water management. She has also been part of the environmental team of Botnia (pulp production company, now UPM), and has also worked for a consulting firm on climate change, providing specialized services to governments, non-governmental organizations and private companies, for the mitigation of climate change effects and product and services carbon footprint.
Specialized on water resources and environmental management, she has worked and researched in topics related to underwater emissaries and environmental protection, effluents, environmental monitoring, development of environmental plans, solid waste management, among others. She has also experience as a local consultant, being part of a multidisciplinary team for the Inter-American Development Bank for the Project Master Plan for Solid Waste, for the Metropolitan Area of Montevideo in Uruguay.
Milenka is a Civil Engineer (University Federico Santa María, Chile) and has carried out postgraduate studies in water resources and environmental at the Universität Karlsruhe, Germany. She has also completed several courses and specializations in water resources management in Turkey, China, Germany and Latin America.