Development of E&S safeguards and gender components in preparation of the SYMBIOTIC project for submission to IKI

Project duration
Head of service line
Monika Bertzky
Pierre Bamin on unsplash
Project Coordinator
Monika Bertzky
Senior Manager and Head of Safeguards

Clara Malcolm (Co-Manager of project)
Sara Barrueco
Rebecca Phillips
Sebastian Oyola
Sonia Tomas
Aurelia Munene
Landy Miary Andrianaivosoa
Reina Arturova
Tigist Kebede
Tira Maya Malino


The project SYMBIOTIC – SYstemic learning and Mainstreaming of BIOdiversity Targets for Innovative transformation and behavioural Change, to be implemented by NABU (Naturschutzbund Deutschland) e.V., has been selected for full proposal development by the International Climate Initiative (IKI). The project promotes increased appreciation of biological diversity through capacity development and transformative learning, involving partners from Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan and Madagascar.

AAE has been hired by NABU to undertake a detailed E&S risk assessment per country and categorization of potential risks according to the IKI safeguard policy/NABU’s ESMS, assess all partners’ environmental and social risk (ESS) management capacities during the preparation phase, develop measures (per country and level of responsibility, as applicable) to prevent, minimize or remedy potential adverse impacts of the activities (including indicators and cost estimates for the implementation of the safeguard measures), prepare a Stakeholder Map in collaboration with the five partner countries and a Stakeholder Engagement Plan including recommendations on appropriate methods for formal and informal stakeholder engagement and potential actions plans to be developed, and provide mandatory ESS and Gender trainings for the five partner organisations in each country. The assessment of documents and plans, procedures and routines is undertaken against the requirements of the NABU’s ESMS and the IKI E&S Policy applicable standard.

Furthermore, AAE conducts a Gender Analysis for each country and particularly along the identified six dimensions (1) Rights, Policies and Socio-Economic Status (2) Norms and Values, (3) Roles and Responsibilities, (4) Resources, (5) Representation, (6) Climate Change and Biodiversity, and designs a Gender Action Plan (GAP) that identifies opportunities and entry points into the project, is aligned with the project results framework and complies with the IKI monitoring and reporting system and the Guidelines for Gender Analyses and Action Plans in IKI projects.

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