Clara Malcolm
Rebecca Phillips
María Jesús Iraola
D´bora de Carvalho
BRILHO is a 5-year Programme (2019 - 2024) implemented by SNV, with nationwide coverage that will catalyse Mozambique’s energy market of Improved Cooking Solutions (ICS), Solar Home Systems (SHS) and Green Mini-Grids (GMG) to provide clean and affordable energy solutions to the off-grid population and businesses. BRILHO will directly support companies to develop an equitable, safe and healthy environment for women by identifying and updating internal practices from a Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) lens, enhancing opportunities for women in a greater diversity of employment roles, ensuring female employees are supported to progressively develop their skills for advancement throughout their careers, and enabling active and effective safeguarding mechanisms to ensure the protection of women and vulnerable groups throughout all company operations. In support of the objectives of the programme, AAE provided technical assistance to BRILHO-supported
companies in the following areas: