The Green Climate Fund (GCF) needs to assess its current portfolio of readiness grants for performance and progress in terms of delivery of results, develop an action plan to address identified challenges and gaps, and support the Secretariat to implement select/priority identified challenges as well as systematically capture common characteristics for grants under implementation. AAE will undertake a concise and thorough technical assessment of the Secretariat’s current portfolio of approved readiness grants under implementation and develop a set of measurable, specific recommendations for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of how these grants are managed.
Main tasks
- Assess the readiness portfolio under implementation for performance and delivery of results in order to assess the extent to which the Readiness Programme portfolio are fulfilling the intended objectives
- Assess trends with respect to constitution of the readiness portfolio, portfolio type, disbursement rates, processing times and implementation structures
- Review GCF processes and procedures for grants management and provide recommendations to improve efficiency and effectiveness and reduce risk
- Benchmark GCF grant management processes against peer organizations
- Identify successes and challenges, impacts on the beneficiaries, generate lessons learnt, specific recommendations for strengthening the implementation of the Readiness Programme as well as the implications for the design and planning stage
Main outputs
- Framework for aggregating the outputs of Readiness 1.0
- Assessment Report (Report on Readiness portfolio performance showing status and delivery trends, and Report on Program performance status and trends by type of Readiness support)
- Recommendations Report including an action plan identifying key priorities and quick wins needed to address identified portfolio implementation and monitoring gaps and challenges
- Lessons Learned Report including case studies, best practices and lessons learnt based on assessment and review to date