Our legal area helps us ensure that environmental, sustainability and human rights laws are adequately integrated into our projects. The team includes international environmental law experts and a broad network of national lawyers, with whom we provide comprehensive technical legal international and national support, ensuring that implementation is aligned with applicable legal frameworks.
We have undertaken legal analysis, elaborated proposals and developed legal tools including for monitoring compliance in a myriad of projects and across more than 30 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia and Africa. These include: environmental and social legal analysis for policy and strategy design (e.g. for REDD+); recommendations on legal considerations for protected area management; comprehensive land tenure assessments; assessments of legal outputs and legal coherence for project Evaluation and Due Diligence; contextual legal analysis for institutional strategic development and legal assessment for the integration of social and environmental safeguards and compliance with such conditions in different projects and settings, including in the context of indigenous peoples and customary law. We also have experience in the field of Environmental and Social Governance, having supported IFIs in embedding social and environmental standards into their development and climate change financing agreements. Finally, we also supported institutional reform by guiding regional and national institutions in the development of tailor-made grievance mechanisms adhering to international standards and moving through the GCF accreditation process.
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