María Jesús Iraola
Mario Nanclares
In 2014, IUCN developed an Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS), which is a systematic procedure to check IUCN projects for potential adverse environmental and social impacts and risks, to assure that potential negative impacts and risks are avoided or minimized to the extent possible. Over the course of 2021, AAE will provide targeted safeguards support to IUCN’s ESMS Coordinator as needed.
Such support can include:
Review of project documents and perform the ESMS screening of IUCN project concepts or proposals on environmental and social risks based on the IUCN ESMS Questionnaire and Screening Report template;
For moderate or high-risk projects, provision of inputs to the ToRs for the social and/or environmental assessments and preparation of management plans and other safeguard tools (e.g. ESMP, ESMF, Process Framework, Indigenous Peoples Plan).
Development and refinement of the ESMS.
Provision of advice to IUCN staff on ESMS implementation and safeguard concepts.
Provision of inputs to ESMS training events for IUCN staff, webinars or other online training tools.
Outputs are defined as different types of safeguards support are agreed.