The Global Environment Facility (GEF) requires a Midterm Evaluation (MTE) for the full-sized project “A supply chain approach to eliminating mercury in Guyana’s ASGM sector: El Dorado Gold Jewelry – Made in Guyana”. The MTE conducted by AAE in consortium with Spiral Consulting (Suriname), will be used as an adaptive management practice by CI and its project team in country as a portfolio monitoring tool suggested by the GEF Secretariat. MTEs are primarily monitoring tools to identify challenges and outline corrective actions to ensure that the project is on track to achieve maximum results by its completion.
Main tasks
- Conduct Desk Review of project documents (i.e. PIF, CI-GEF Project Document, plans related to the Environmental and Social Safeguards, Gender, Stakeholder Engagement policies, etc.);
- Host an MTE workshop with the Executing Agencies to clarify understanding of the objectives and methods of the MTE;
- Undertake the midterm review of the project, including interviews to local stakeholders and site visits;
- Produce a draft and final Midterm review report.
Main outputs
- MTE Desk Review;
- MTE Inception Workshop and Inception Workshop Report;
- Presentation of initial findings to the Executing Agency, CI’s General Counsel’s Office (GCO) and CI-GEF Agency at the end of MTE mission;
- Draft Final Report with annexes to be shared with CI GCO, CI-GEF Agency, Executing Agencies;
- Final Report incorporating comments including annexed audit trail detailing how all received comments have (and have not) been addressed in the final MTE report.