Indigenous Peoples

Engaging and collaborating with Indigenous Peoples and considering indigenous rights, interests and knowledges.
Ivan Bruno
Head of service line
Monika Bertzky
Senior Manager and Head of Safeguards

Through our portfolio we have engaged and collaborated with Indigenous Peoples (IPs), and with indigenous rights, interests and knowledges in a wide variety of thematic areas and contexts.

We carry out on site, virtual or hybrid consultations, dialogues, workshops and trainings with tailor-made materials and dynamics in local languages and conscient of cultural contexts. We have worked with communities in many remote locations with complex logistics, this work involves setting up teams of national and international experts to ensure a thorough understanding of the national context and alignment with international good practice.

Throughout our work we have established a respectful and many times long term relationship with the IP representatives we have been involved with. We have also worked as liaison between government institutions and IP communities or representatives reaching common understanding through consultations or documents. Irrespective of whether direct collaboration with IPs is involved, we always apply a human and indigenous rights-based approach to our work. This includes analysing the risks a project could pose to IPs and the legal framework applicable to IPs and vulnerable groups of actors, in order to identify legal gaps and develop mitigation measures that help ensure that indigenous rights and interests are fully taken on board during project implementation.

In the past 4 years we have carried out over 70 consultations with IPs and local communities and developed 8 Indigenous Peoples Planning Frameworks and Policies (IPPF/Ps).

Services offered:

  • Consultations and dialogues. Coordinate and implement dialogues and consultations related to IPs and indigenous rights and interests. This includes carrying out FPIC under different protocols and in many cases we have conducted processes requiring complex logistics to access remote communities;
  • Trainings: Deliver trainings in various formats (on site, virtual and hybrid) adapted to the particular situations of the projects and participants with materials adapted to local context through the incorporation of local experts; 
  • Implementation: Implement specific components of projects that require local knowledge and presence in addition to the experience and expertise provided by our international team.

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