There is a wide range of institutions providing financing for climate change mitigation and adaptation, such as the GCF, the Adaptation Fund, and the GEF. Developing proposals for such multi-lateral and bi-lateral climate finance providers requires an in-depth knowledge of the specific selection criteria that the targeted funder applies. In addition, systematic reviewing of existing evidence and identifying evidence gaps on financing adaptation, mitigation and development aid can inform decision making on future investments.
Services offered
- Design of climate policy and climate finance proposals, from concept notes to full proposals.
- Technical advice necessary for the production of proposals on several sectors.
- Critical review of investment plans, and development of global strategies to engage private sector.
- Development of climate strategies, including country portfolios and programs.
- Mobilization, catalyzation and leveraging public and private capital for programs, funds, projects, and investment strategies.
- Measurement of impacts and assessment of sustainability risks in climate projects.
- Alignment of projects with sustainable development goals and national policies.
- Systematic reviews and development of evidence gap maps and intervention heat maps.
- Monitoring, disclosure and communication.