With a proven track record of more than 25 safeguards projects in 30 countries, AAE ensures that social and environmental safeguards are seamlessly integrated into every project phase, fostering sustainability and meaningful inclusion of rightsholders and stakeholders. Our team supports human rights-based conservation, climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives through the application of social and environmental safeguards.
We have screened, identified and assessed risks and impacts of more than 15 projects and programmes by now and have developed safeguards instruments for their avoidance, minimization, mitigation and management. These instruments include management, mitigation or action plans, as well as other plans to deal with future engagement, manage access restrictions and livelihood restoration and ensure Indigenous Peoples’ Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC), guarantee community and employee health and safety as well as grievance redress. We have supported safeguards implementation and provided tailored safeguards training to project proponents as well as candidates for accreditation to financing organisations (e.g. GCF). We have special expertise with the role of rangers in law enforcement, their rights and well-being, and with developing REDD+ Safeguards Information Systems and compiling REDD+ Summaries of Information for submission to the UNFCCC.
We are familiar with the social and environmental safeguards of WB, GCF (IFC), UNFCCC, UNEP, UNDP, CI-GEF, WWF, IUCN, LLF, and others. AAE’s international safeguards team has a strong track record providing high quality outputs that are tailored to client expectations and needs.
To ensure a deep understanding of the socio-cultural context of project and programme sites, we team up with national experts to guarantee that our deliverables are contextualised, adequate, feasible and culturally responsive.